The spring semester was a topic studio centered on the Los Angeles River and the city's plans to revitalize it as not only a public space, but also as a method to improve the city of Los Angeles. Our studio's title was "Mind the Gap".
We started with a studio intensive research phase and then proposed projects in teams of two. I worked alongside Emily Tong. *Note: The work displayed will be heavily weighted towards the things I worked on or made.
Our studio compiled a small booklet with information and data we gathered. I worked on the graphics and maps.
Our studio compiled a small booklet with information and data we gathered. I worked on the graphics and maps.
I photographed the river on some site visits.
I photographed the river on some site visits.
A map of the L.A. River's origins.
A map of the L.A. River's origins.
In the first phase, the studio compiled data and collected information that already exists of the L.A. River. We then drew our own maps and created our own data graphs to display information more relevant to our studio. We focused mainly on neighborhoods where the L.A. River crosses or touches.
I produced all the info-graphics in the booklet.
I produced all the info-graphics in the booklet.
Info-graphic showing the scale of the L.A. River compared to significant rivers.
Info-graphic showing the scale of the L.A. River compared to significant rivers.
Research and maps were produced by our studio collective. I put everything together.
Research and maps were produced by our studio collective. I put everything together.
Data & Research
Data & Research
Info-graphic showing the level of pollution in the L.A. River.
Info-graphic showing the level of pollution in the L.A. River.
Info-graphic showing the river's role in the environment.
Info-graphic showing the river's role in the environment.
Data & Research
Data & Research
Data & Research
Data & Research
Data & Research
Data & Research
Info-graphic showing how much money is available for projects to revitalize the river.
Info-graphic showing how much money is available for projects to revitalize the river.
Data & Research
Data & Research
Data & Research
Data & Research
Data & Research
Data & Research
Data & Research
Data & Research
Data & Research
Data & Research
In the second phase, using the information gathered, we proposed a project that would both revitalize the river and the city of Los Angeles. My partner and I's project title was GrowL.A.
We used the river as a resource and location to solve L.A.'s most prominent issues like food deserts and housing shortages. 
The following are our pages in the collective studio book.
First spread setting up the scene.
First spread setting up the scene.
Our second spread describes our solution on a specific case study site.
Our second spread describes our solution on a specific case study site.
Our third spread details even further our case study and its expanding potential.
Our third spread details even further our case study and its expanding potential.
Our fourth spread provides three activated sections through our case study to show scale and use.
Our fourth spread provides three activated sections through our case study to show scale and use.
Our fifth and final spread illustrated some experiential views for how we imagined the river's revitalization to be like.
Our fifth and final spread illustrated some experiential views for how we imagined the river's revitalization to be like.
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